
books 未分類



New Books (I am consulting for the SA Exam – on UN and American politics)

Kennedy, P. (2006) The Parliament of Man: The United Nations and the quest for world government.

Weiss, T.W. and Wilkinson R. (eds.) (2018.) International Organization and Global Governance (2nd ed.).

Woodward, B. (2020) Rage.

Lorenzini, S. (2019) Global Development: A cold war history.

大学院教授として: 日本の政治経済

For Next year’s teaching (Graduate School Class: “Japanese Political Economy”) & “Belt and Road initiative” seminar paper (assuming that may draft is accepted).

Stilwell F. (2014) Political Economy (3rd ed.)

Boyer R. et al. (2012) Diversity and Transformation of Asian Capitalisms.

Boyer, R. et al. (2018) Evolving Diversity and Interdependence of Capitalism: Transformations of regional integration in EU and Asia.

Wolff, R.D. and Resnick, S. A. (2012) Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian and Marxism.

Watanabe, H.R. (2020) The Japanese Economy.

Oqubay, A. and Ohno, K. (eds.) (2019) How Nations Learn: Technical learning, industrial policy and catch-up.

Teo, V. (2019) Japan’s Arduous Rejuvenation as a Global Power: Domestic resilience and the US-China challenge.

Vogel, E.F. (2019) China and Japan: Facing History.

McCarthy, M.M. (2018) Routledge Handbook of Japanese Foreign Policy.


To partially answer the question raised on UN publications, please note the following;

The UN system consists of numerous departments and programs together with specialized agencies.

Many of them regularly publish their research findings on specific thematic topics in their specialized areas.

Some of their publications (particularly their “flagship reports”) are well established and command large global readership.

They are typically published in all UN official languages (Arabic Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish). And some of the major reports may be translated into Japanese.


It is practically not possible to keep eyes on these publications on the regular basis, because they are just too many of them exist out there reporting so many different issues.

On the other hand, in some occasions like this year (2020), virtually all of the UN programs and specialized agencies have dealt in their publications with the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on its specific effects in their field of specialty.

Clearly, the way of the topic of COVID-19 has been taken up in publication has much to do with the magnitude of its effects on their concerns.

For instance, the WHO has dealt with the pandemic issue almost full-heartedly, certainly much more seriously than many others.

Similarly, UNWTO has also been seriously involved analyzing the devastating impacts of the pandemic on global tourism.

UNESCO and UNICEF have dealt with impacts of the pandemic on children’s education and learning.


Let me enlist well-known flagship publications (mostly annual report) of the UN system:

Global Education Monitoring (UNESCO)

Global Environment Outlook (UNEP)

Human Development Report (UNDP)

Industrial Development Report (UNIDO)

Least Developed Countries Report (UNCTAD)

Maritime Transport Report (UNCTAD)

State of Food and agriculture (FAO)

State of the World’s Children (UNICEF)

State of World Population (UN Population Fund)

Trade and Development Report (UNCTAD)

UNWTO Annual Report (UNWTO)

World Cities Report (UN-Habitat)

World Development Report (World Bank)

World Drug Report (UN office on Drug and Crime)

World Economic and Social Survey (UNDESA)

World Economic Situation and Prospect (UNDESA)

World Health Report (WHO)

World Investment Report (UNCTAD)

World Work (ILO)



Please note that they are NOT exhaustive list, on the contrary, missing many.

In any case, we can freely download most of the official reports (present and past) at the homepage of the UN programs and specialized agencies listed above.

We can “search” to find out which particular annual reports deal with the topic of our interest.


Please note that the secretariat may undertake the research on many publications on specific topics for an ad hoc one-off publication rather than as part of an annual report.


In some occasions the UN may hire outside experts to prepare some specialized reports of technical nature, and but it may not publish them as UN documents.

To be honest, the writing above is much more than the preparation for our examination. This is almost equivalent to the level of university research/education on the UN.
